Reelviews #4: No Country for Old Men

Exploding car

In the 80's, no one noticed another exploding car.

2007’s “No Country for Old Men” (directed and written for the screen by the Coen brothers, from Cormac McCarthy’s novel) is a languorous exploration of the vehicles of the early 1980’s, concealed within an ostensible fish-out-of-water comedy about mildly autistic Anton Chigurh (Javier Bardem). Foreground action consists largely of Bardem’s unsuccessful attempts to navigate everyday interactions without them devolving into cringe-makingly awkward conversations — or, later, comic violence when his frustrations boil over. The real stars of the piece, however, are the lovingly preserved and detailed classics that make up the mise-en-scene. Fans of the ’79 Ford Granada should not miss this movie!

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