Hablan Español

As a consequence of my little trip to Colombia, certain corners of the Internet Hive Mind are convinced that I’m a native Spanish speaker. While it’s more than a little creepy that we’re watched closely enough for such a mistake to be made, it has some amusing consequences. For instance, here’s an example of the sort of ad I see from time to time.

EDD ad

My Spanish is pretty dreadful, but even so, I got the gist of this quickly enough. Loosely translated, it reads:

Apply for benefits online, when you want.
EDD online.  Working for you.

EDD is California’s “Employment Development Department”, and, in true Orwellian fashion, is primarily concerned with people who are not working. (Front and center on its website are links to file claims for Unemployment, Disability Insurance, and Paid Family Leave.)

In a time of fiscal crisis, I must ask: Is it absolutely necessary to advertise the welfare state?

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