Vacation Costs

Editorial Note: In April, I took a month off in Medellin. For me, this meant an interesting and diverting month. For you, this means 30 days of posts about my vacation. I’ll try to make them somewhat amusing.

It’s a lot cheaper to spend a month in Colombia than you might think. There are really only two expenses: A flight, and lodging. (There are a bunch of day-to-day expenses, too, but they’re basically covered by the money you’re not spending on the normal day-to-day expenses you’d have at home.) A reasonable flight (1-hop: SFO-MIA-MDE) from Silicon Valley to Medellin cost me $715. That just leaves lodging.


I rented an apartment through “The Apartment Medellin“, specifically this one, which costs $1350/mo. That brings the total bill to just over $2K, which, frankly, I can drop over a long weekend in Las Vegas. So this international travel thing is really quite the bargain.

One final note about the apartment: This is the underside of the office area next to the bedroom. As you can see, the construction is a little different from the rest of the apartment. I strongly suspect that in the original plan the bedroom above was open to the living area below, in a conventional loft arrangement, and that some enterprising Colombian decided to build out the usable square footage by closing off and enlarging the second floor. Clever, even if it does creak alarmingly.

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