
Because I have a houseplant, I keep my office blinds open almost all the time. Because I’m lazy thoughtful, I look out my window a lot. Because there are trees outside my window, I see a lot of birds. Here’s a bird. (Click to view full size.)

For the most part, the birds are pretty unremarkable. Lots of doves (in my opinion, the dumbest birds in the world) and crows (the gangsters of bird-dom), as well as a fair number of hummingbirds. (There are also a lot of squirrels, which aren’t birds, but which seem to like to eat the same tree seeds that the birds favor.) Once in a while you get something exotic; an owl showed up once. Inconveniently, it was at night. Owls. What can you do?

The other day I got something special. A beautiful little hawk landed on a branch between rain showers and started looking around. Happily he took his time, and I was able to get some good pictures. It’s not often you get to look down on a hawk.

For some reason all the other birds seemed to disappear around the time he showed up. Funny, that.

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