Bad Word: Trial

Here’s a brief, non-technical, but practical pointer for the iPhone developer: Don’t use the word “trial” to describe your freemium app. It’s perfectly ok to deploy a freemium model (give away a limited application with unlockable-for-a-fee upgrades) and it’s perfectly ok to explain this model to your users, but if you want to be approved by AAPL, don’t use the Bad Word “trial”. “Lite version”: Ok. “Trial version”: Rejected!

I think the real goal here is to ban beta software from the app store (with “test” and “trial” being possible synonyms for “beta”), but the practical upshot is that the relatively innocuous word “trial” can get your app bounced if it is used to describe your app, either in in-app text, or in app store metadata. Beware. Take care. Beware.

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