
The least charming aspect of atheism is the smug certainty of many of its adherents that their particular belief system[1] is indicative of, or due to, superior intelligence.

It’s a general human tendency to pat oneself on the back for cunning and perspicacity, but most people in most circumstances seem to have the good sense to realize how unbecoming this looks, and to tone it down a bit. Atheists seem to belong to one of the few groups that positively champion this sort of obnoxious preening.

Which is ironic, because atheism is probably the least intellectually demanding of all metaphysical cosmologies.

[1] Yes, it’s a belief system. You don’t know, you merely suspect.

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2 Responses to Atheists

  1. SageCrispin says:

    …atheism is probably the least intellectually demanding of all metaphysical cosmologies.

    And, there in lies it’s appeal.

  2. Kyle says:

    I agree with you that the assertion of ones beliefs being due to higher intelligence is quite obnoxious, and most likely false. I know may intelligent religious and nonreligious people and I wouldn’t say there was a difference of intelligence between the two.

    In my experience, the vocal Atheists do not represent the majority, as almost all of the Atheists I know simply just stay out of religious conversations and otherwise have nothing to preach. I think there is a lot of frustration with religious views being pushed upon them, so there may be a growing need for some sense of community between non-believers, as they are a minority. Insulting the intelligence of believers is unfortunate, but again I don’t think it represents the majority.

    The assertion that Atheism is the least intellectually demanding is a fallacy. Yes, believing in nothing is simple, but examining the faith you were raised in, as well as other faiths, and concluding that they probably aren’t true does take some thought. Is it more intellectually demanding? Just like any religion, it depends on how deep you go to convince yourself.

    Ed: It’s a minor point, but it’s worth pointing out that false assertions aren’t fallacies. A fallacy is an instance of faulty reasoning, not an incorrect conclusion. I maintain my position that, inasmuch as atheism is a much simpler belief system, and requires no more or less comparative theology to pick out than any other system, it is less intellectually demanding. But I suppose we’ll have to agree to disagree on that question.