#import "UIButton+Glossy.h" typedef struct { float color[4]; float caustic[4]; float expCoefficient; float expOffset; float expScale; float initialWhite; float finalWhite; } GlossyParams; static void rgb_to_hsv(const float* inputComponents, float* outputComponents) { // Unpack r,g,b for conciseness double r = inputComponents[0]; double g = inputComponents[1]; double b = inputComponents[2]; // Rather tediously, find the min and max values, and the max component char max_elt = 'r'; double max_val=r, min_val=r; if (g > max_val) { max_val = g; max_elt = 'g'; } if (b > max_val) { max_val = b; max_elt = 'b'; } if (g < min_val) min_val = g; if (b < min_val) min_val = b; // Cached double max_minus_min = max_val - min_val; // Calculate h as a degree (0 - 360) measurement double h = 0; switch (max_elt) { case 'r': h = !max_minus_min?0:60*(g-b)/max_minus_min + 360; if (h >= 360) h -= 360; break; case 'g': h = !max_minus_min?0:60*(b-r)/max_minus_min + 120; break; case 'b': default: h = !max_minus_min?0:60*(r-g)/max_minus_min + 240; break; } // Normalize h h /= 360; // Calculate s double s = 0; if (max_val) s = max_minus_min/max_val; // Store HSV triple; v is just the max outputComponents[0] = h; outputComponents[1] = s; outputComponents[2] = max_val; } static float perceptualGlossFractionForColor(float* inputComponents) { static const float REFLECTION_SCALE_NUMBER = 0.2; static const float NTSC_RED_FRACTION = 0.299; static const float NTSC_GREEN_FRACTION = 0.587; static const float NTSC_BLUE_FRACTION = 0.114; float glossScale = NTSC_RED_FRACTION * inputComponents[0] + NTSC_GREEN_FRACTION * inputComponents[1] + NTSC_BLUE_FRACTION * inputComponents[2]; return pow(glossScale, REFLECTION_SCALE_NUMBER); } static void perceptualCausticColorForColor(float* inputComponents, float* outputComponents) { static const float CAUSTIC_FRACTION = 0.35; static const float COSINE_ANGLE_SCALE = 1.4; static const float MIN_RED_THRESHOLD = 0.95; static const float MAX_BLUE_THRESHOLD = 0.7; static const float GRAYSCALE_CAUSTIC_SATURATION = 0.2; float temp[3]; rgb_to_hsv(inputComponents, temp); float hue=temp[0], saturation=temp[1], brightness=temp[2]; rgb_to_hsv(CGColorGetComponents([[UIColor yellowColor] CGColor]), temp); float targetHue=temp[0], targetSaturation=temp[1], targetBrightness=temp[2]; if (saturation < 1e-3) { hue = targetHue; saturation = GRAYSCALE_CAUSTIC_SATURATION; } if (hue > MIN_RED_THRESHOLD) { hue -= 1.0; } else if (hue > MAX_BLUE_THRESHOLD) { rgb_to_hsv(CGColorGetComponents([[UIColor magentaColor] CGColor]), temp); targetHue=temp[0], targetSaturation=temp[1], targetBrightness=temp[2]; } float scaledCaustic = CAUSTIC_FRACTION * 0.5 * (1.0 + cos(COSINE_ANGLE_SCALE * M_PI * (hue - targetHue))); UIColor* caustic = [UIColor colorWithHue:hue * (1.0 - scaledCaustic) + targetHue * scaledCaustic saturation:saturation brightness:brightness * (1.0 - scaledCaustic) + targetBrightness * scaledCaustic alpha:inputComponents[3]]; const CGFloat* causticComponents = CGColorGetComponents([caustic CGColor]); for (int j = 3; j >= 0; j--) outputComponents[j] = causticComponents[j]; } static void calc_glossy_color(void* info, const float* in, float* out) { GlossyParams* params = (GlossyParams*) info; float progress = *in; if (progress < 0.5) { progress = progress * 2.0; progress = 1.0 - params->expScale * (expf(progress * -params->expCoefficient) - params->expOffset); float currentWhite = progress * (params->finalWhite - params->initialWhite) + params->initialWhite; out[0] = params->color[0] * (1.0 - currentWhite) + currentWhite; out[1] = params->color[1] * (1.0 - currentWhite) + currentWhite; out[2] = params->color[2] * (1.0 - currentWhite) + currentWhite; out[3] = params->color[3] * (1.0 - currentWhite) + currentWhite; } else { progress = (progress - 0.5) * 2.0; progress = params->expScale * (expf((1.0 - progress) * -params->expCoefficient) - params->expOffset); out[0] = params->color[0] * (1.0 - progress) + params->caustic[0] * progress; out[1] = params->color[1] * (1.0 - progress) + params->caustic[1] * progress; out[2] = params->color[2] * (1.0 - progress) + params->caustic[2] * progress; out[3] = params->color[3] * (1.0 - progress) + params->caustic[3] * progress; } } @implementation UIButton (Glossy) + (void)setPathToRoundedRect:(CGRect)rect forInset:(NSUInteger)inset inContext:(CGContextRef)context { // Experimentally determined static const NSUInteger cornerRadius = 10; // Unpack size for compactness, find minimum dimension CGFloat w = rect.size.width; CGFloat h = rect.size.height; CGFloat m = w0.5*m)?(0.5*m):d; // Define a CW path in the CG co-ordinate system (origin at LL) CGContextBeginPath(context); CGContextMoveToPoint(context, (l+r)/2, t); // Begin at TDC CGContextAddArcToPoint(context, r, t, r, b, d); // UR corner CGContextAddArcToPoint(context, r, b, l, b, d); // LR corner CGContextAddArcToPoint(context, l, b, l, t, d); // LL corner CGContextAddArcToPoint(context, l, t, r, t, d); // UL corner CGContextClosePath(context); // End at TDC } + (void)drawGlossyRect:(CGRect)rect withColor:(UIColor*)color inContext:(CGContextRef)context { static const float EXP_COEFFICIENT = 4.0; static const float REFLECTION_MAX = 0.80; static const float REFLECTION_MIN = 0.20; static const CGFloat normalizedRanges[8] = {0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1}; static const CGFunctionCallbacks callbacks = {0, calc_glossy_color, NULL}; // Prepare gradient configuration struct GlossyParams params; // Set the base color const CGFloat* colorComponents = CGColorGetComponents([color CGColor]); int j = (int) CGColorGetNumberOfComponents([color CGColor]); if (j == 4) { for (j--; j >= 0; j--) params.color[j] = colorComponents[j]; } else if (j == 2) { for (; j >= 0; j--) params.color[j] = colorComponents[0]; params.color[3] = colorComponents[1]; } else { // I dunno return; } // Set the caustic color perceptualCausticColorForColor(params.color, params.caustic); // Set the exponent curve parameters params.expCoefficient = EXP_COEFFICIENT; params.expOffset = expf(-params.expCoefficient); params.expScale = 1.0/(1.0 - params.expOffset); // Set the highlight intensities float glossScale = perceptualGlossFractionForColor(params.color); params.initialWhite = glossScale * REFLECTION_MAX; params.finalWhite = glossScale * REFLECTION_MIN; CGColorSpaceRef colorSpace = CGColorSpaceCreateDeviceRGB(); CGFunctionRef function = CGFunctionCreate(¶ms, 1, normalizedRanges, 4, normalizedRanges, &callbacks); CGPoint sp = CGPointMake(CGRectGetMidX(rect), CGRectGetMaxY(rect)); CGPoint ep = CGPointMake(CGRectGetMidX(rect), CGRectGetMinY(rect)); CGShadingRef shader = CGShadingCreateAxial(colorSpace, sp, ep, function, NO, NO); CGFunctionRelease(function); CGColorSpaceRelease(colorSpace); CGContextDrawShading(context, shader); CGShadingRelease(shader); } - (void)setBackgroundToGlossyRectOfColor:(UIColor*)color withBorder:(BOOL)border forState:(UIControlState)state { static const float MIN_SIZE = 4; // Get and check size CGSize size = self.frame.size; if ((size.width < MIN_SIZE) || (size.height < MIN_SIZE)) return; // Create and get a pointer to context UIGraphicsBeginImageContext(size); CGContextRef context = UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext(); // Convert co-ordinate system to Cocoa's (origin in UL, not LL) CGContextTranslateCTM(context, 0, size.height); CGContextConcatCTM(context, CGAffineTransformMakeScale(1, -1)); // Set stroke color CGContextSetStrokeColorWithColor(context, [[UIColor colorWithRed:159.0/255 green:159.0/255 blue:159.0/255 alpha:1] CGColor]); // Draw background image if (border) { // Draw border [UIButton setPathToRoundedRect:CGRectMake(0.5, 0.5, size.width-1, size.height-1) forInset:0 inContext:context]; CGContextStrokePath(context); // Prepare clipping region [UIButton setPathToRoundedRect:CGRectMake(1, 1, size.width-2, size.height-2) forInset:1 inContext:context]; CGContextClip(context); // Draw glossy image [UIButton drawGlossyRect:CGRectMake(1, 1, size.width-2, size.height-2) withColor:color inContext:context]; } else { // Prepare clipping region [UIButton setPathToRoundedRect:CGRectMake(0, 0, size.width, size.height) forInset:0 inContext:context]; CGContextClip(context); // Draw glossy image [UIButton drawGlossyRect:CGRectMake(0, 0, size.width, size.height) withColor:color inContext:context]; } // Create and assign image [self setBackgroundImage:UIGraphicsGetImageFromCurrentImageContext() forState:state]; // Release image context UIGraphicsEndImageContext(); } @end